Caught By The Travel Bug

Everything that starts comes to an end. The holidays have finally come to an end. The festivals are over. Our long trip with multiple stops has come to an end. Getting up early in the morning to start another journey has become a habit in this past week. How nice and exciting life would be, if we just traveled every day to new places! Every day would bring us to new roads and new destinations. We are already planning our next family get-together and our next outing. Hope it comes soon. Guess, I too have been bitten by the travel bug.

I am also planning a trip to a nearby metro city with friends, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™ll culminate or not. Fingers crossed! My emails are flooded with travelogues nowadays. My Instagram follows include ā€˜beautifulDestinationsā€™, ā€˜travelandleisureā€™, ā€˜forbestravelguideā€™, ā€˜tastingtableā€™ and many similar pages related to travel and food. The blogs I read these days are about the Balinese culture, the Bora Bora islands, the Buddhist Monasteries around the world, etc. This excitement to pack my bags and get ready is new to me. It has opened another vista in my life. I wish I can travel to all those places whose snapshots are flooding my cellphoneā€™s gallery. I will save and I will travel.

Yesterday was the last day of the week-long festivities- Kumar Purnima. We wear new dresses on this day, pamper ourselves, eat a lot of delicacies, spend quality time with family and laugh a lot over several games of cards. My cousins visited us and we had a great time playing cards, jumping at every win, laughing at every loss over cups of tea and coffee and steaming hot yummy chicken curry with rice. They had been to Bhutan recently and were telling us tales of the country. I was so engrossed and enchanted by the stories, the natural beauty, and the monasteries in Bhutan that it is now in my no.1 position of travel-to-foreign-countries list. Dil maange more.

Let me know of destinations you have been to and would strongly recommend a newbie like me. Even when it comes to exploring within India, Iā€™m still a newbie. Itā€™d be great if you have written a blog post on that. Iā€™d love to read.  

PS: I have traveled with my parents, friends and/or relatives to Tirupati, Rameshwaram, Madurai, Bangalore, Mysore, Coorg, Kolkatta, Siliguri, Darjeeling, Gangtok, Shimla, Kulu, Manali, Pune, Lonavla, Khandala, Panchgani, and Mahabaleshwar.

 Linking the post to #UBC , and #DailyChatter.


Queeristan by Parmesh Sahani

  Queeristan (Amazon Link) Thanks to Audible Free Trial I listened to this amazing non-fiction on LGBTQ inclusion in Indian workplaces. Author Parmesh Sahani identifies as gay Indian, working closely with Godrej higher management and employees for years to create an inclusive workplace, both legally and in spirit. This book is a result of those years of experience, research, collaboration with individuals from difference spectrum of the society and organizations who has successfully transitioned into a queer friendly one.   Indian history is inclusive. From the Khajuraho temple architectures, to Konark to the Rig Veda, there is existing proofs even 2000 years ago of Indian inclusiveness of queer. Itā€™s the draconian British law that criminalised it, which was scraped in 2009, came into effect once again following a sad judgement in 2013 and eventually was scraped off for good in 2018. I am in awe of the lawyers who fought this legal battle- colleagues and partners ā€“ Arundh...

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